Monday, May 2, 2011

Mini-Farming Self-Sufficiency on 1/4 Acre

I finished reading the Mini-Farming book yesterday and I was very pleased by the 200 plus pages of detailed information! Reading this book made me want to throw on a pair of over-alls, grab a shovel and get planting. Unfortunately, as it stands right now, I don't have any "land." The indoor garden is it for now. Although I have made a bargain with my parent's for some of their yard space and I fully intend on applying some of the methods that I learned in this book when I transplant some things over there.

Before I go on about the book I'd like to talk about the author. This is taken from the back of the book:

"Brett Markham is an engineer, third-generation farmer, and polymath. Using the methods explained in his book, he runs a profitable, Certified Naturally Grown mini-farm on less than one-quarter acre. Brett works full time as an engineer for a broadband ISP and farms in his spare time. His web site is"

That's right. He works full-time and in his spare time runs a farm. Of course, it takes patience, dedication and time to get things up and running and this book perfectly explains how to do that. It is filled with photos of plants, building instructions and a wealth of references for further information. It is all done in a natural way by creating a balanced eco-system of giving back to the earth what you take from it (without the use of chemicals). It has given me confidence that my goals of living sustainably and providing my own food are entirely possible and I don't need a 10 acre chunk of land to do it. Anyone who is interested in growing their own food needs to read this book!

I'd like to end this post with the last paragraph in the book:

"The Final Analysis. Starting a mini-farm can provide you with the safest and most nutritious food available while saving more on the food budget year after year. The superior nutrition combined with outdoor exercise will make everyone healthier, and the economic benefits of selling excess production can enable any number of personal or family goals. This book is a tour of everything you need to know to get started, but don't stop here! Go to the bibliography for a list of other recommended books. Knowledge is power in that it increases your odds of success in any endeavor. From the Markham family to yours, we wish you all the best!"

Next on my reading list: To Buy or Not To Buy Organic.


  1. I really appreciate you for posting such a wonderful blog. Different plants will require different amounts of light. The purpose of a gsafe growing lights is evident in the name itself – to help plants grow. Usually the intention is to be able to grow plants indoors.

  2. I haven't used any lights on my indoor plants, however I did buy seeds of plants that are specifically meant for indoor/container growing.

  3. When you get your mini farm up, I'll be a customer!
