Monday, April 25, 2011

Earth Day 2011

This past Friday, April 22nd, was Earth Day. I have recollections of a handful of Earth Day "clean-ups" taking place at my grammar school, but I haven't attending any such events since then. When thinking about what to do for Earth Day this year I thought back to this blog post about picking up litter. It seems that I got ahead of myself in writing this blog. For one, I didn't take into consideration weather. It's snowed here well into March and April has been a cold rainy mess. Now, there have been a sprinkling of unseasonably warm days, which I have taken advantage of, but for the most part it seems like picking up litter everyday will be more challenging than I expected.

I spent an afternoon picking up litter with my sister around my neighborhood. We took along some latex gloves and two garbage bags. We grossly underestimated the amount of garbage that we would come across. Our plan was to put recyclables into one bag and garbage into the other bag. Then we would end our walk at the recycling center at the end of my block and toss in the recyclables into the blue recycling bin and toss the garbage bag into the trash can. My sister was carrying the bag of recyclables and I was carrying the bag of garbage. Before we even made it to the recycling center my sister's bag was full and it was 99% plastic bottles! My garbage bag was about 3/4 full at the end of our trip. The most common items that we came across while picking up litter were plastic bottles, cigarette packages and red bull cans!

The whole trip took us about 40 mins and weather permitting I will be doing this as often as possible. I also noticed some people watching us as we walked through the neighborhood trying to figure out what we were doing. I hope that maybe they will think twice before tossing their red bull cans out of the car!

Also, on a side note and totally unrelated topic; I had a very exciting Earth Day and thus, the delay in this post. I sent my previous blog over to the ladies at Lunapads and asked if there was a way to share my review and they featured it on their blog! You can view it here. I was super excited that they were able to provide me with a way to get this information out to more women than if it would have only been posted on my personal blog. I really do love their products!


  1. Hi Kelli,

    Saw that you had become a follower of my blog and thought I would return the favour. Nice to "meet" someone else who appreciates things green. Take care, Andrea.

  2. Yes, I just recently came across your comment on the Lunapads blog titled "Lunagals, Non-Conformity and Dangerous Ideas" and I've been meaning to comment you, but got a little busy! :) Nice to "meet" you too!
