Sunday, March 13, 2011

Environmental Enlightenment #8 (Fair Trade Tea)

Food has always been the hardest thing for me to change when it comes to being the most environmentally friendly as possible. Since I love to cook it is personally very hard for me to go without avocados, butternut squash, mangoes and other food items that come from outside of the United States. The indoor garden will be (I hope) a small step towards alleviating my reliance on non-local produce. My trips to the grocery store are becoming more and more time consuming because I have been spending more time reading labels and scanning for organically made products. I normally get my fresh produce from a store called Fresh Farms, but for other food purchases I head on over to Jewel. I've noticed that recently they've been stocking their shelves with a brand called Wild Harvest Organic. So I bought some of their organic tea which is certified fair trade.

The Lipton tea is for the boyfriend. Since Lipton is his tea of choice and he already has a tea ball I figured that the most environmentally friendly choice in his case would be loose tea to cut down on packaging for individual tea bags. I also bought the Wild Harvest Organic honey to use with my tea. A couple of days ago I tried the Wild Harvest Organic Cheddar Mac & Cheese and to be honest it wasn't to my taste. I don't want to discourage anyone from trying it, but let's just say that I didn't like it. It could be that I'm used to the cheese taste in Kraft Mac & Cheese and this was a shock to my taste buds. In any case... I probably won't buy it again, but I do plan on trying some of their other products as I come across them in the store.

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