Monday, March 14, 2011

Environmental Enlightenment #9 (Natural Deodorant)

I realized after I wrote my last blog that someone out there may be asking themselves why I didn't mention grocery shopping at Whole Foods. I have a confession, I've only been inside of a Whole Foods once. That store is so huge and overwhelming (and I am pretty easily distracted). I ventured into Whole Foods with a purpose, to purchase a Diva Cup, which I will write about in a future blog in as lady-like a way as possible. But of course I got distracted and ending up buying a natural deodorant also. I had been looking for a good natural deodorant for a while. Burt's Bees makes a spray natural deodorant, but I couldn't find it in stores anywhere and I couldn't bring myself to have it shipped. I tried Lush's solid bar natural deodorant, which smelled fantastic and worked well, but it wasn't very easy to apply. It was powdery and broke into chunks. So when I found myself at Whole Foods in the Personal Hygiene aisle, I took a sideways glance towards the natural deodorants and came across this little guy...

I. Love. This. Deodorant. It's all natural (none of that nasty Aluminum) and it smells nice. As I learned from a friend, tea tree oil is what eliminates odor causing bacteria in sweat. Because the object isn't to not sweat (that's how your body cools itself down and it's very important to sweat), but the object is to not smell like you're sweating. This deodorant does the job and gets an A+ from me. I'll be going back to Whole Foods, with a friend to keep me on task, when I have a day to just wander around and check the store out.

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