Friday, May 13, 2011

Environmental Enlightenment #16 (Reusable Produce Bags)

I've been taking reusable grocery bags on my shopping trips for quite a while now and whenever I got to the produce section I always felt bad about having to use those thin plastic produce bags. I tried to rinse them out and reuse them, but at the most I could get two uses out of them. I had no idea that reusable produce bags even existed until I happened to come across an ad for them in a magazine. Right away I knew I had to have them!

The ad showed this set of 5 available for $10 at They also sell many other reusable products, but I went straight for two sets of these produce bags! I've used them twice and I already love them. I was a little worried that the cashiers at the check out might not appreciate them, but they are very easy to see through and the first time I used them the cashier commented on how much she liked them! Which then prompted the women in line behind me to ask where I got them.

They are machine washable and the care instructions suggest to line dry them. They feel very durable and easily carried my potatoes and tomatoes. I'm very pleased with this purchase and would like to thank whoever invented these... they're awesome! I'm excited to have a new way to reduce consumption/waste in my life and I will gladly discuss them with fellow grocery shoppers whenever the opportunity arises. I would suggest anyone who is interested in these to check them out at along with their other reusable products.

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