Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cucumber-Mint Water

Earlier this year I purchased a Jack LaLanne Power Juicer. My thought process was that it would help me drink healthier, because I rarely drink water and I'm usually drinking some sort of artificially flavored juice. I don't know what it is about the taste of water, but I just don't like it! I like something with flavor. So I started juicing and I juiced everything under the sun! Let me tell you, fresh fruit juice is way better than anything you can buy in the store. I then experimented with mixing some veggies into my fruit juices and I discovered that cucumber added a very cool and refreshing note. So when I came across a cucumber-mint water recipe in my Fine Cooking magazine I just had to try it out. You don't necessarily need a juicer for this recipe, but you will need a blender.


1/4 cup mint leaves, lightly packed
2 tbs sugar
1 cup boiling water
1 medium English cucumber (about 1 lb), peeled, seed core removed and cut into chunks
2 tbs fresh lemon juice

Put the mint leaves and sugar into a small pot and crush the leaves with a wooden spoon (or muddler if you have one). Pour in the boiling water and stir until the sugar dissolves. Set aside to steep and cool for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, in a blender, puree the cucumber with 2 cups cold water. Strain the cucumber liquid and mint liquid through a fine strainer into a large bowl. I lined my strainer with cheesecloth to catch the tiny cucumber pieces. Discard the solids. Pour the liquid into a large pitcher. Add the lemon juice and 3 cups cold water; stir to combine. Serve over ice.

This water is delicious! Especially if you're a fan of cucumber. It's a great replacement for store bought flavored waters which usually contain all kinds of additives and preservatives. The cucumber flavor is refreshing and perfect for a hot summer day. I will definitely be making this again. It just came to me that this drink would also taste delicious with a shot (or two!) of Organic Cucumber Lime Vodka. I'll have to try that the next time that I make it and report back!

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